Blessings on you, Dr. Milton. I knew you were ill but did not realize until now the level of seriousness.
As you know, physical infirmities are a trial for a man preaches and writes, but neurological and cognitive issues are far more devastating -- not only physically but emotionally. A pastor who struggles in pain to get his wheelchair to the pulpit, or struggles with his lungs to be able to speak loudly enough for the microphone to amplify his voice enough to be heard, knows that if he is able to get to the pulpit and get his words out, they will be the best he could physically do.
Not so with neurological and cognitive issues. Even if there is actually no problem with the spoken or written message, there always nagging doubt about whether some mistake was missed or an application overlooked that a year ago would not have slipped past.
I will be praying for you. At the distance of well over a thousand miles I can't do much more to encourage you, but we both know appeals to the throne of divine sovereignty are the most helpful thing any Christian brother can do for another.
My dear brother in the Lord: thank you so much for taking the time to write this poor filthy sinner saved by Grace. I am deeply moved by your kind and generous words. I sent my greetings to all of the saints in your neck of the woods, a region that is close to my heart. Old friend, Mike
I am so grateful to the Lord for you--and for this beautiful remembrance and exhortation.
Thank you dear friend. My honor.
Blessings on you, Dr. Milton. I knew you were ill but did not realize until now the level of seriousness.
As you know, physical infirmities are a trial for a man preaches and writes, but neurological and cognitive issues are far more devastating -- not only physically but emotionally. A pastor who struggles in pain to get his wheelchair to the pulpit, or struggles with his lungs to be able to speak loudly enough for the microphone to amplify his voice enough to be heard, knows that if he is able to get to the pulpit and get his words out, they will be the best he could physically do.
Not so with neurological and cognitive issues. Even if there is actually no problem with the spoken or written message, there always nagging doubt about whether some mistake was missed or an application overlooked that a year ago would not have slipped past.
I will be praying for you. At the distance of well over a thousand miles I can't do much more to encourage you, but we both know appeals to the throne of divine sovereignty are the most helpful thing any Christian brother can do for another.
My dear brother in the Lord: thank you so much for taking the time to write this poor filthy sinner saved by Grace. I am deeply moved by your kind and generous words. I sent my greetings to all of the saints in your neck of the woods, a region that is close to my heart. Old friend, Mike