Glad to see this ministry continuing the work of D. James Kennedy.
If I remember correctly, he said once that his television ministry reached more people than the entire membership of the PC(USA). He was right -- much as the printing press was responsible for spreading the Reformation in ways that the earlier Waldensians and Hussites could not without mass dissemination of their message, print, radio, TV, and now the internet are key in promoting a Word-based and reasonable faith.
Glad to see this ministry continuing the work of D. James Kennedy.
If I remember correctly, he said once that his television ministry reached more people than the entire membership of the PC(USA). He was right -- much as the printing press was responsible for spreading the Reformation in ways that the earlier Waldensians and Hussites could not without mass dissemination of their message, print, radio, TV, and now the internet are key in promoting a Word-based and reasonable faith.