Welcome to Homiletics I: The Preparation of Expository Biblical Sermons
Welcome students and prospective students to the 8-week online course at Erskine Theological Seminary on Homiletics I: The Preparation of Expository Biblical Sermons. This is an exciting opportunity to prepare for a life of preaching the inerrant and infallible Word of the living God. This course begins at, well, the beginning. Like learning how to draw, paint, play an instrument, or run a company, we focus on the fundamentals. Throughout the course, you will learn about the priority of preaching, Paul’s admonition to (what has in years past been called) sacred elocution, and a guided tour through the 8 essential movements of an expository biblical sermon. Dr. Michael A. Milton designed and leads this course. Dr. Milton is the Distinguished Professor of Missions and Evangelism at Erskine. Having served the Church as a seminary president-chancellor, tenured professor, senior pastor, church planter and revitalizer, an Army Chaplain (Colonel), author, and artist, Dr. Milton brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of homiletics and pastoral ministry.
Below is a welcome letter from Dr. Milton that provides an overview of the course, its learning objectives, and his expectations for the students:
Welcome to Homiletics I! This 8-week online course at Erskine Theological Seminary will provide an exploration into the topics of homiletics and the preparation of expository biblical sermons. Through lectures, readings, assignments, and discussions, you will gain an understanding of homiletics and its importance in Christian worship, as well as learn how to prepare an expository sermon. My expectations for you are that you come to each class prepared through prayer, reading, study, and an hunger to learn and actively participate in the discussions. When you complete this course, you will possess an essential ministry resourcethat will serve you the rest of your ministry. I am looking forward to being with you for a spirit-nourishing, and mindfully enriching course! I pray that each student is so filled with the presence and power of Christ Jesus, and so grounded in the fundamentals of expository preaching, that you are catapulted into a life of ministry eager to preach the Gospel of God with fidelity and prayerful confidence.
Erskine Theological Seminary is an evangelical graduate school of theology with a long history of producing outstanding leaders for the Church. Founded in 1839 in South Carolina, Erskine Theological Seminary has a rich heritage that is rooted in the Reformed tradition and a commitment to all of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Its mission is to prepare men and women to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Erskine Online, the online is an innovative leader in theological higher education in multimodal teaching and learning. Erskine Online designs and delivers mission-driven graduate and postgraduate education that is accessible, affordable, and accredited. Learn more at seminary.erskine.edu.
Our course on Homiletics I provides an invaluable opportunity for students to learn the essentials of preparing expository biblical sermons. Through this 8-week online course at Erskine Theological Seminary, students will be equipped for a life of Gospel ministry through preaching. We invite you to get started on this exciting journey! If you have any questions or concerns about registering for the course, please do not hesitate to contact our admissions counselor, Crystal Tolbert: tolbert@erskine.edu.
Students can access Dr. Milton’s contact points at LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/mmilton.