The Soldier’s Soul is Everything
My Latest for the American Spectator on the Crisis of Ethics in the Military
The crisis of ethics has become a threat to national security. This is my latest for American Spectator: “The American Military Has Lost Its Soul: A Call for a Return to Biblical Ethics.”
With Sino-Russian navies projecting considerable power in the waters next to our 49th state, service member witnessing the Commander-in-Chief using the levers of government to silence his chief political opponent, there is a mounting, and an outbreak of “wokism” that strips meaning and purpose from the human soul, it is no wonder our Veterans suffer, and our recruiting is in the tank. The weakening of the warfighter’s soul is a costly in multiple ways, but none so vital as giving an eight year old boy a higher vision to fight for.
The secular age is quickly stripping Western civilization of the protective ozone of the founders’ faith. The harmful rays of deconstruction and postmodernity are now showing signs of moral tumors, erasure of ethical memory, and the epidemic of diseases of the human soul that inevitably follow. Now more than ever, we need to post the truth on the wall of every institution: “There is a God, and He has spoken. This is how we know right from wrong.” — Michael A. Milton, The American Spectator. .
I pray that those who should read the article will be so led, and others will share it.