A Christmas Eve Prayer for the Lonely and Brokenhearted
Our heavenly Father, who sent Thine only-begotten Son into the world, to a forgotten place called Bethlehem, to anonymous shepherds—so lowly, to the holy family—so poor, to mother Mary, the Virgin with child—so misunderstood, whose reputation as a good Jewish lass must have withered beneath the self-righteous judgements embedded in sneering glances; and Joseph, a man of God who obeyed God’s voice rather than quietly dismissing his betrothed, and in doing so must have endured his own private trials; Thou knowest the season better than any other; So, on this Christmas Eve, Lord, look upon the forgotten ones, the spiritually impoverished, the hopeless, the addicted, the lowly, the poor, the castaways, the impoverished, the homeless, the broken, and the weak; So that in Thy mercy and in Thy grace these precious souls may find the riches of the Lord Jesus Christ who welcomes the lonely to His Table, who raises the weak to become strong, who exalts the forgotten ones to be known as beloved sons and daughters of God, and that we who have been transformed by Thy power, may become the echoing voice of heaven, singing of the Savior, directing others to Him, so that many souls will come into the warmth and wonder of eternal salvation of Christ Jesus this Christmas, and in every season of our lives, wherein Thy mercy is plenteous, Thy love boundless, and Thy grace is free; In the name of our holy God and Savior, even the Lord Jesus Christ, who had no place to lay his head, who was born that He might die, and in dying, rising, ascending, ruling, and soon-returning, thus, to bring an innumerable company of sons and daughters to eternal life, to safety, warmth, love, home. Amen.
Lord, look upon the forgotten ones, the spiritually impoverished, the hopeless, the addicted, the lowly, the poor, the castaways, the impoverished, the homeless, the broken, and the weak; So that in Thy mercy and in Thy grace these precious souls may find the riches of the Lord Jesus Christ who welcomes the lonely to His Table, who raises the weak to become strong, who exalts the forgotten ones to be known as beloved sons and daughters of God.
— A Christmas Eve Prayer for the Lonely by M. A. Milton