Dear Faith for Living Community,
Guided by the Biblical mandate to “cry aloud and spare not” (Isaiah 58:1), we have sought to be faithful stewards of the Gospel for three decades, broadcasting exposition of the inerrant and infallible Word of the living God from 1993 to 2023. Many people have made this possible. And we look forward to seeing a multitude of souls safe in the arms of Jesus when He comes again (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20). We go ahead with the conviction that first called this filthy sinner saved by grace to preach: “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ “(Colossians 1:28 ESV). Yet, there is more work to be done. “Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42).
“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV).
Testimonials: Lives Changed Through Faith for Living
Our mission has touched lives in profound ways. A young minister from Ohio shares that our teachings, resources, and unwavering commitment to the Great Commission have “changed my life and ministry.” Similarly, a psychologist from Florida has incorporated our work, specifically our writings on “Hit by Friendly Fire: What to do when Other Believers Hurt You,” into her practice, bringing Gospel truth into the healing process for spiritually wounded patients. We hear from pastors in Africa, Asia, and other “isolated” ministry areas each week. Our books have been translated into languages from Portuguese to Albanian, Korean, and Hindi. Likewise, our scholarly work supports future pastors and Christian professors who must soon assume the mantle of Gospel ministry.
Beyond Our Broadcasts: A Global Reach
Our ministry extends beyond our weekly broadcasts, reaching over 30,000 individuals monthly.,, and reach thousands more. Our influence is further amplified through publications like the American Spectator, Crosswalk,, The Christian Post, Western Journal, and the Carolina Journal. Over the past twelve months, we have added four book releases through partnerships with publishers and our imprint, Bethesda Publishing Group. I just completed a commentary on Leviticus, which Christian Focus Publications (UK) will release in the coming months. Our work has reached pastors, educators, and students through Logos Bible Software, which carries some of our books.
Initiatives for Future Leaders
The D. James Kennedy Institute is on the brink of launching a pivotal initiative focused on post-seminary pastoral training. Additionally, I am excited to mentor three new Ph.D. students in collaboration with the Free University of Amsterdam.
A Call to Action
Many of you know I was diagnosed (in 2010) with a tropical disease that affected my autonomic system. This chronic disease has hindered my preaching ministry in local churches and increasingly limited me to the creative work from our home in Western North Carolina. My wife, Mae, has been strong support! Our son, John Michael, who is currently pursuing an MBA, is a constant source of encouragement and help. My faithful assistant of years past, Christine, had to retire from service to take care of her parents. So, the Lord raised Dr. Rebecca Rine to help me. And that is our team. We seek to leverage partnerships to fulfill God’s call and multiply ministry. But we do need you.
I invite you to “take every thought captive” and engage in our mission:
1. Pray: Uphold us in your daily prayers.
2. Subscribe: Join our newsletter and podcast subscriptions to stay updated.
3. Donate: Your financial contributions will enable us to extend our reach and deepen our impact.
Your involvement is invaluable to us. And please feel free to share this public message as you deem fit.
Commending you to the Lord and the Word of His grace, I remain yours
With Gratitude and in Christ’s Service,
Michael A. Milton, PhD
President, Faith for Living, Inc.