We are thankful to offer this new work on vocational renewal: Renewing Your Commitment to Christ’s Call (Bethesda Publishing Group, 2023).
The rate of burnout and dropout in pastoral ministry us staggering. False expectations, worldly models of ministry, and the expanding rate (and range) of spiritual pathologies have conspired to overwhelm many ministers (across denominational boundaries). A few years ago Reverend Franklin Graham invited me to speak to Armed Forces Chaplains and their families on renewing our commitment to the call. From that experience comes this book. We humbly ask the Lord to use it for His glory and others’ good.
The sell sheep is here with a link to a sample: https://michaelmilton.org/2023/07/07/renewing-your-commitment-to-christs-call-publishers-sell-sheet/
A universal link is here (to access booksellers): https://books2read.com/u/b5Wp8l