The Secular Age mocks the timeless truths of Christ as a thirsty man shakes his fist at a stormy sky. Though he curses the clouds, filled with salvation, the rain will come, and his rescue is as close as opening his foul mouth to receive his God-wrought redemption. Thus, Pentecost comes in 2023: the unrelenting, unstoppable force of God amidst the apathetic and the unbelieving, the persecuted and the persecutors. So, a culture of people that resist the Way, the Truth, and the Life will not rebuff the love of God, revealed in His Word by His Spirit and proclaimed by the Church. Christ Jesus reigns over the minds and hearts of human beings while yet allowing us to turn away or to open the door. In the mystery of unconditional election, our Lord Jesus accomplishes His will set forth from the foundations of the earth, yet not without violating your free moral agency (not volition, for that, as Augustine and Luther teach us, is damaged and in bondage).
So, a culture of people that resist the Way, the Truth, and the Life will not rebuff the love of God, revealed in His Word by His Spirit and proclaimed by the Church. — M. Milton
The Secular Age may be set against Christ and His Bride, the Church, but even self-hatred and insanity cannot withstand the powerful Pentecostal winds of God’s love. Pentecost 2023 remains a great and mighty power from on high bound to blow the elect to the ends of the earth to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ. This in itself is as glorious as it was fifty days after the Passover of the Lamb of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. He reigns yesterday, today, and forever.
Let the winds roar with unrestrained certain hope. Those winds sing with dancing tips of flames from Another World. Do you hear the lyrics of Pentecost in our day? “The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.