Advent invites us to pause and consider the characters surrounding the Nativity story—not as static figures in a manger scene but as vibrant participants in God’s redemptive plan. Among them stands Joseph, often overshadowed by the miraculous and majestic elements of the narrative. Yet, Joseph’s quiet obedience, firm faith, and tender care as a husband and father reflect a profound model of godly manhood. He stands before us as a vivid reminder of the high calling of men to lead, protect, and nurture with a Christ-centered heart.
This song, "O How Tender Was the Man," was born out of my reflections on Joseph’s role. He was a man of silent strength, chosen to protect the Promised Child and His mother through incredible challenges—from navigating societal judgment to fleeing with his family into Egypt under divine instruction. As I meditated on Joseph’s character, I found myself challenged in my own calling as a husband, father, and follower of Christ. This song became an extension of a sermon and a prayer for men to embody Joseph's example of faithfulness, humility, and courage.
I hope this song serves as an Advent meditation for you, inspiring both reflection and worship. May Joseph’s story remind us all of the great privilege and responsibility of living faithfully in the places God has called us.
Scripture texts to guide your thoughts as you listen or read the lyrics:
“When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife” (Matthew 1:24 ESV).
“And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt” (Matthew 2:14 ESV).
“He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6 ESV).
May the Lord use this reflection to draw you nearer to the heart of Christ this Advent season.
O How Tender Was the Man (Joseph’s Song)
Words and Music © 2012 Michael Milton (Bethesda Words and Music), BMI, guest vocalist, Miss Cindy Gibbs
O, how tender was the man
Chosen by the Lord to stand;
Next to Mary, meek and mild,
And the little Promised Child;
Joseph was that tender man
Chosen by the Lord to stand.
Joseph came to understand
By an angel’s sure command,
What God had for him to do,
He was faithful he was true,
Joseph was a faithful man,
So he heeded God’s command.
God the Father, God the Son,
God the Spirit, Three in One
Willed it from before the earth,
Christ would come of Virgin birth;
Woman fell, so it would be
Such a birth would set her free.
Joseph, so we oft may think
From the scene must always shrink;
But the Word of God is clear:
Joseph’s part was very dear;
Earthly fathers have their place,
Showing Heaven’s caring face.
Let us, men like Joseph be
Serving God so faithfully;
For this world will need to see
What a Father God will be;
Just as Joseph played the part,
So we, too, reveal God’s heart.