Dear Sir,
I greet you and your hard-working staff with a citizen’s gratitude. You all are doing good work. It is appreciated.
Sir, I am writing to add my personal voice of warning to others who see the unrestrained, unlawful importation of people from around the globe as a threat to our existence as a nation. The intentional and unprecedented invasion of the United States of America at its southern borders is an enigmatic threat. How can anyone make sense of deliberately welcoming illegals into our country while we still check passports on American citizens returning to airports in Atlanta and Newark in Los Angeles? Such incomprehensible approaches to immigration leave the American people agitated, confused, and increasingly angry. The magnitude of the invasion is also dangerous from a public health standpoint. One would think that having gone through a public health crisis like COVID-19, with all of its unusual mandates, remarkable suspension of constitutional rights, and suppression of public opinions, would cause our government to be more fastidious about illegal migrants without papers, without immunization records, and largely unchecked for skills, education, and, certainly, their commitment to the United States of America. They demonstrate their disdain for America by the invasion. Many of them are planting the flags of alien nations on our soil as they celebrate their successful invasion.
These threats are dangerous not only for the rule of law and public health. One could display an uncontestable litany of other dangers that include massive unbudgeted hits to local, state, regional, and federal economies, further Balkanization of an already divided nation, and inflammatory racist invectives launched against any American who questions the apparent consensus without representation; who dare express concern that the demographics of the United States is being manipulated to the irrecoverable point of non-recognition of our country. Yet, by citing such irrefutable assertions about the dangers of allowing this reprehensible invasion of America, her citizens, and our way of life, one would still not arrive at the most serious and pressing existential threat: dangerous enemies to the people of this country. Of the hundreds of thousands—nay, millions—of unvetted foreign nationals entering this country at will, we would be naïve to the point of stupidity to suppose that groups like Iranian-backed Hezbollah, Chinese communist operatives, and other nefarious actors are not walking through the open borders with battle plans in place to attack our country.
The Bible calls for the watchmen on the wall to be diligent in announcing threats against the city:
“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, that person is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.” (Ezekiel 33:6 ESV)
My aim as a minister of the gospel, as a disabled veteran, a retired colonel with 32 years of federal service, and as a tenured professor, is to leverage whatever experience, education, credentials, and insights I have been given to warn my representatives, our leaders, and my fellow Americans of the threats we face, and the all-but-certain catastrophic attack if we fail to act.
Sir, with all due respect, I plead with you to do all that you can to shut these borders immediately according to the laws we already have on the books, and to apply the US code to remove invaders from our nation. Only then can we have a better assurance that we have done all we can to avert the likelihood of attack by enemy elements in our homeland.
I trust you will receive my letter as coming from a loyal and faithful American citizen whose forebears arrived at Jamestown in 1642, and whose men have served in every major conflict to defend the nation. And I am just one from myriad families who have invested our blood to create and sustain this nation through prayer and with total dependence upon the God of our Fathers.
I could easily have read this letter just a few years ago and supposed it was written by a slightly paranoid dreamer of unfounded conspiracies. However, the demonstrated disregard for the rule of law, for upholding the oath of office to protect against enemies foreign and domestic, and the name-calling with dehumanizing characterizations of American citizens like myself who are offended and deeply concerned about the moral condition of our country, cause many of us to believe we are not the victims of a conspiracy but of a consensus. This consensus, apparently taken up by a select consortium of deceitful state actors, corporate globalist moguls, and aggrandizing intellectual elites, is even more concerning than a conspiracy. Their loose affiliation provides cover with plausible deniability. However, most Americans living in urban, suburban and rural areas are much more savvy, well-read, and insightful than apparently given credit for.
Assuring you of our prayers and our support, I remain
Yours faithfully,
Michael A Milton, PhD
Tryon, North Carolina