Let it Shine
Your Help Is Needed in Sharing the Right-side-up Truth for our Upside-down World in “Lost and Found: Public Theology in the Secular Age”
In the midst of a rapidly changing world and an increasingly hostile culture towards biblical Christianity, we have written a book to address the pressing issues we face today. With contributions from my esteemed friends, Drs. John Frame, George Grant, Peter Lillback, and John Panagiotou, Wipf and Stock Publishers released Lost and Found: Public Theology in the Secular Age (2024).
“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Proverbs 25:11).
It was just about two years ago. When I pitched the book idea born of pastoral concern for the rise of secularism (not really secular, but Marxist and anti Judeo-Christian), a few Christian publishers told us, “It’s just too political.” Through almost forty years of preaching, I heard that same response when I proclaimed Biblical truth on the sanctity of life and marriage. Such nonsense never stopped me. As a Gospel preacher, I regard any issue that denies God’s Word and propagates lies that harm the human soul as my business. Others may articulate it better, but where the Bible speaks, we must speak. And we must speak when it matters most. Thus, our message should be a “fitting word” at the needed time that not only denies error, and establishes truth, but ultimately points human beings to Christ Jesus as “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). We pray that this book addresses the issues before us today and provides the divine response from God’s Word, demonstrating why God’s way is not only the right way but the way that leads to abundant life, and eternal life.
I am not really comfortable in asking anything of our readers. And I certainly don’t ask for good reviews when they are not warranted. Even a poor review gets a message about the book in front of others to consider for themselves. My greater concern is that we share books and messages such as this one when we have the opportunity. The Devil’s publications are not hidden under a basket. That is for sure. But I am strengthened by the message of Saint Paul:
“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:5-7 NKJV).
And, so, in that spirit, I do humbly ask that you consider composing and posting a word of encouragement to others on the main reviewing sites:
If you don’t have the book, here is a link to read significant portions of it. If you feel you cannot afford it, please contact Faith for Living, and we will ensure you get a copy at no cost. Write me personally at learnmore@faithforlivinginc.net. Someone will be delighted to bear the cost of sharing a vital resource for those who want it. If you desire to give to support this effort, you may do so at this official link that allows tax free donations to our 501C3 nonprofit Christian ministry. Your link to give.
And if you cannot share a word for others we understand. Please pray that those walking in darkness may see light. The material book is of no value. The message is everything.
Thank you for considering this. The Lord bless you and keep you.
Yours faithfully,
As a Gospel preacher, I regard any issue that denies God’s Word and propagates lies that harm the human soul as my business. Others may articulate it better, but where the Bible speaks, we must speak. And we must speak when it matters most.
— Michael A. Milton, PhD