Hit by Friendly Fire: A Book Trailer

Hit by Friendly Fire
What to Do When You are Hurt by Another Believer
By Michael A. Milton, PhD
Forward by Dr. Derek Thomas
Publishing Date: August 11, 2022
Category: Nonfiction/Christian Books/Christ-ian Living/Counseling/Christian Personal Growth
Trade Paperback Edition
ISBN: 978-1666744361
RRP: $14.00 / £12.00 / AU$20.00
Binding: Paper/5 x 0.26 x 7 inches
Page count: 114 pages
Available at all bookstores and featured at Amazon Prime and Cokesbury.
It’s called “friendly fire,” but nothing is friendly about it. To shoot one of your own is not only tragic but self-defeating. We are not describing the battlefield. We are talking about believers hurting other believers. Everyone in the Church knows of the walking wounded who are no longer in the Christian community. That person might even be you. What can be done to cure such a visceral wound?
Trusted pastor, theologian, author, composer, and retired Army Chaplain (Colonel) Michael A. Milton marshals forward a lifetime of Christian shepherding to diagnosis and apply the healing salve of the ruling motif of the Gospel for the cure of souls. In this new 2022 edition, Michael A. Milton uses Christ-centered theology presented in the tenderness of pastoral prose to bring the spiritually wounded to the paradoxical place of ultimate healing: the cross of Christ.
This is one to read, to secure for loved ones, friends, your pastor, and classes. Any of us at any time can feel the searing pain of being hit by friendly fire. As a shepherd and scholar, Mike Milton guides the wounded to certain and lasting healing.
Trade Note: Ideal for small groups, Sunday school classes, church resources, and for use in pastoral care and counseling classes or classes on conflict.
About the Author
MICHAEL A. MILTON (PhD, DMin, MPA, MDiv), a Presbyterian pastor (PCA), is the Distinguished Professor of Missions and Evangelism at Erskine College and Seminary and the president of the D. James Kennedy Institute. A retired pastor, Army Chaplain (Colonel), author, composer, and artist, Mike lives in Western North Carolina with his wife, Mae.
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Dr. Rebecca Rine, Senior Research Fellow info@faithforliving.org
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