The revelation of barbaric inhumanity can bring an epiphany of brutal reality. And I don't mean that rhetorically. Many of us have a concern about public safety that has risen from incredulous agitation to justifiable fear—not a neurotic fear of the kind that imagines an alien from Andromeda at your front door, but that certain wise alertness to the imminent threat that a man has when hoodlums with torches encircle his family home. Or, and this seems ludicrous to admit, when thousands upon thousands of people, primarily young males, i.e., those who fight wars, are processed into the United States at our southern border without the slightest resistance.
The revelation of barbaric inhumanity can bring an epiphany of brutal reality.
The distance from a peaceful Saturday-morning-in-Israel-turned-massacre-of-the-innocents to a Fox News Alert of the next 9/11 just got much shorter. We know this. With the front door not just unlocked but flung wide open to any, our open border means no border. We see this. This scenario is a real problem for millions of us. If we know the threat, and we see the danger, why can't the President? Okay, maybe not him. Or his cabinet? Well, not them, either. But how about the Congress? Specifically, the House of Representatives? As I watched the proceedings on the floor of the House and watched conservative Republican representatives casting throw-away votes for those not even running for Speaker of the House, I wondered, "Do they not see what we see? Do they not sense the imminent threat to all we hold dear?" So, I figure there must be a Gnostic playbook of cunning geopolitical moves they are reading that we don't have. We who aren't invited to cocktail parties in Georgetown or billionaires' dove fields in Texas are left to suppose that there is such an ingenious masterplan for protecting the homeland beyond our capacity to understand (and if so, please let us in on the Illuminati logic), or these people don't care. Of course, there is a third possibility that seems so bizarre that we are hesitant to mention it. It is this: elected officials have no plan, but they do, in fact, care (for they want to live as much as we do). However, they are distracted from looming disaster by illusions of personal gain and celebrity status stoked by privileged conceit. Surely this can not be so. However, if it is then I have a message.
Madam and Sir, if you are confused by competing exigencies, we, the Governed, do respectfully urge you, the Governing, to consider that the savage hordes who say they want to kill us, who murdered, raped, and kidnapped women and children in Israel, are actually in a position to do just that here.
The distance from a peaceful Saturday-morning-in-Israel-turned-massacre-of-the-innocents to a Fox News Alert of the next 9/11 just got much shorter.
So, with all due respect but all necessary urgency, do your job. Get your House in order. Now. Close and bolt the front door, get the invaders out, and do all in your power and abilities to govern with others to make sure that our precious people—our women, our little boys and girls, and older folk—are safe, and our young men are inspired and equipped to defend the home. In other words, lead as if your life, and ours depended on it. 'Cause you know what?